我完全认同Platy Hsu 对其博客意义的描述,原文摘录如下:
Blogging seems to be an anachronism in this information-abundant era. After all, what’s the point jotting down words that may never be revisited even by yourself, only to add entropy to a system already chaotic enough to make people fatigue?
There is a distinction, however, between being selective to consume and to produce content. Surely it won’t make any visible contribution to enlarge a huge pie by a zillionth in, but neither will it do any harm. And, it might be this very addition that helps one in need.
As such, the words here don’t exist for being useful. They exist for a potential future me or someone else in search of resonance, recollections, or reconcilement. If there is a possibility, there is a dynamic.
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